Schedules, calendars, and planners...Oh my!

The lazy days of summer are no more, as school and extracurricular activities have begun, or are about to! And we all know it’s a lot to keep track of, so we’ve rounded up some best practices for making it all work seamlessly.

Then there’s the wall whiteboard calendar. As we suggested earlier this week in our social media posts, color-coded pens associated with each family member make for easy identification of commitments and quick viewing at a glance by the entire fam.

Smart digital calendars are another great option. These tablet-looking devices hang on your most frequented wall, and can not only display the family’s real-time calendar, but also the week’s weather report, a shuffling family photo album, and you can even stream your favorite show while you’re cooking dinner.

There’s “Old Faithful” as we like to call it — your phone’s calendar. Always on-hand, easily updated, and automatically shared with the rest of your family (if you’ve done your settings right).

As all well-oiled machines (er, families) know, communication is key! And with work, kids, and our own commitments, that is no small order! Case in point, I was just talking to my cousin who recently instilled “MMC - Morning Marriage Connection”, a half-hour block each morning at the same time where she and her husband touch base to review their daily plans/conflicts.

So whether you use MMCs, digital calendars, spiral planners, or Post-Its, there’s SOMETHING out there for everyone, we promise! And if you need help finding one that works for you, give us a call!