7 Simple Tips to Help You Declutter

With the onset of spring, you’re not the only one feeling the itch to clear out and make room. Whether you’re dragging out the old “summer box”, refreshing the mantle with some new blooms, or deciding all your clothes are in serious need of an overhaul, first thing’s first. Declutter and get rid of what isn’t serving you with these 7 quick tips:

  1. If you haven’t worn it in 12 months, let it go.

  2. If you forget you had it and haven’t missed it, let it go.

  3. If it’s broken, let it go.

  4. If you haven’t altered it in 12 months, let it go.

  5. If it has stains, let it go.

  6. If you forgot how it works (then you haven’t used it), let it go.

  7. If it’s out of style, let it go.

When in doubt, LET IT GO! The amount of space (mental and physical) it’s taking up in your life isn’t worth it.

The Room Reset Experience

What do you get when you book our services?

From our free consultation, Julie and I will gain a sense of what are your goals, resources, and pain points. For many clients, we know that it’s already a herculean step to make that initial contact, so we make it a point to be both respectful of your insecurities (whatever they may be), and encouraging of your efforts thus far, even if that’s just been the act of giving us a call.

Here’s how we work:

Identify your budget - While our hourly rates our openly explained on our website, product costs are variable. We’ll glean if you want high-end, mid-tier, a hybrid of both, or make do with what you’ve got. We pride ourselves in making the ordinary extraordinary, so regardless of champagne or shoestring resources, we’ll make it functional and beautiful!

Assess your needs - Are you moving? Are the kids’ things taking over? Are the kids aging out of what once worked? Are you going back to work? Are you just overwhelmed by “all the things”? We’re listening to understand what’s most frustrating, most important, most used.

Measure and plan - We’ll measure your spaces, and then source and purchase the products needed to optimize them.  We take care of all the buying and returning (if need be), so you can just sit back and relax…er, do the childcare, cooking, working, cleaning — living.

Execute - We’ll stage your areas for an easy purge (we swear, it’s doable!), and this is really the only time we need your help. Then, we’ll layout the space to bring in your approved products, and put it all together.

We’re flexible to your needs changing as you see the project coming together (ex. “Oh, hey, I actually do the kids’ hair in the kitchen, so I can’t have all their supplies in their bathroom”); sensitive to your insecurities (ex. “Oh God, please don’t look [BUT LOOK] at the disaster that is this closet); and understanding of your anxiety (ex. “I know it doesn’t make logical sense, but I just need to have the kids’ school work on the dining room table). At the end of the day, we’re ALL different, and operate in our way. Room Reset strives to make whatever that way is, work!

toy organization

Start with One: Quick and Dirty Steps for Spring Cleaning

What do you think when you hear the phrase “spring cleaning”? Does it immediately conjure images of a harried housewife on all fours, scrubbing the baseboards? Or perhaps endless piles of seasonal clothing waiting to be transitioned out and in? Whatever comes to mind, let’s take it ONE step at a time, because progress doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to start! So here’s a few quick and dirty steps to make a big impact on your day-to-day.

  1. Pick a junk drawer. Just ONE. How about the one in your kitchen? Yep, that one! It’s got pens, and papers, and hair ties, and gum, and sunglasses, and…apply our method — Assess what you’ve got, Sort and Consolidate, Purge or Donate, and Source (get some drawer organizers, or cardboard jewelry boxes work great too) and Store.

  2. Overloaded pantry? Pick ONE shelf (if you don’t get to more, it’s OK, at least you got one done!) and throw out anything expired. If you haven’t touched some of the canned goods in over a year, donate to a food pantry. Old, half-eaten packages, toss. Once you’ve purged, wipe down that shelf and organize what’s left by type (ex. condiments) or use (i.e., dinners).

  3. Pick One section of your closet — Example: short-sleeve shirts. If they’re not in their own section, put them together. If it’s too small/big, donate. If you haven’t worn it in a year, donate. If it’s pilling or has holes, toss.

  4. Tupperware - In terms of plastic, pick ONE brand (i.e., Ziploc, Rubbermaid, etc.) and toss anything that isn’t that. A one-quart Rubbermaid top will not screw onto a one-quart Ziploc bottom. That is to say, they’re not all built equal, despite looking like a match. So take the guess-work (and clutter) out of it for you.

We could keep going, but these are four quick and dirty ways to get clean! And if four is too overwhelming right now, pick ONE!

organized junk drawer