Making the Most of your Cabinets and Doors

Last week, we discussed WHAT to store behind cabinets and doors, and now, as promised, we’re linking our favorite products for HOW to do it! Organizing is only effective if you’re using systems that will work for YOU. We stress this point a lot because we often talk with our clients, who are frustrated because what looks amazing on The Home Edit for one of their clients, or what works for your sister/friend, may not be what works for you. But we promise, something will work!

If you’re not sure what will work for your family, give us a shout and we’ll make it happen!

What’s Behind Door Number 1

door storage solutions

What’s Behind Door Number 1

Whether you’ve got limited space or simply want to optimize what you’ve got, door and cabinet backs are where it’s at! There’s no shortage of things we can think to store on them, and all sorts of easy-to-install products to make the most of the space.

Got a linen closet door? Consider placing all your meds, feminine hygiene products, and backstock toiletries there. It’s easy to access for everyone, and will make finding the fever reducer meds in the middle of an exhausted night a literal and figurative life-saver!

Entryway closet door? Line it with a deeper bin rack to hold your seasonal accessories like googles and ball caps, or cleaning accessories like vacuum filter replacements and extra mop heads.

Office or bonus room door? This is a perfect spot for crafts — markers, jewelry kits, vinyl rolls, glue sticks, you name it. Or if crafting isn’t your thing, consider making a gift wrap station on the back of these doors. These over-the-door systems can house ribbon, bows, scissors, tape, gift bags, wrapping paper rolls, and anything else you might use!

Now, let’s talk the pantry door! Spices, food wraps and baggies, lunch bags, grab-n-go snacks, mints and gum are all great for the door, as they’re not too heavy and won’t compromise the integrity of the door itself. Not to mention, anything you place there should be easy to find for husbands and teens, uh, PEOPLE, who have a hard time seeing what’s right in front of them.

Finally, we’d be remiss not to mention cabinet backs. You can use them to store disposable bag dispensers, command hooks for dustpans, your family calendar, or even Post-Its of your running tally of favorite wines!

Make sure to check back at next week’s blog post, where we’ll share our favorite products for making these ideas come to life in your own home!

Our Top 9 "Gotta Haves" for Car Organization

Whether you spend all your time in your car from the daily grind, or you’ve got some summer road trips planned, we’ve put together a list of gotta haves to make and keep your car organized and functionally optimized!

The Room Reset Experience

What do you get when you book our services?

From our free consultation, Julie and I will gain a sense of what are your goals, resources, and pain points. For many clients, we know that it’s already a herculean step to make that initial contact, so we make it a point to be both respectful of your insecurities (whatever they may be), and encouraging of your efforts thus far, even if that’s just been the act of giving us a call.

Here’s how we work:

Identify your budget - While our hourly rates our openly explained on our website, product costs are variable. We’ll glean if you want high-end, mid-tier, a hybrid of both, or make do with what you’ve got. We pride ourselves in making the ordinary extraordinary, so regardless of champagne or shoestring resources, we’ll make it functional and beautiful!

Assess your needs - Are you moving? Are the kids’ things taking over? Are the kids aging out of what once worked? Are you going back to work? Are you just overwhelmed by “all the things”? We’re listening to understand what’s most frustrating, most important, most used.

Measure and plan - We’ll measure your spaces, and then source and purchase the products needed to optimize them.  We take care of all the buying and returning (if need be), so you can just sit back and relax…er, do the childcare, cooking, working, cleaning — living.

Execute - We’ll stage your areas for an easy purge (we swear, it’s doable!), and this is really the only time we need your help. Then, we’ll layout the space to bring in your approved products, and put it all together.

We’re flexible to your needs changing as you see the project coming together (ex. “Oh, hey, I actually do the kids’ hair in the kitchen, so I can’t have all their supplies in their bathroom”); sensitive to your insecurities (ex. “Oh God, please don’t look [BUT LOOK] at the disaster that is this closet); and understanding of your anxiety (ex. “I know it doesn’t make logical sense, but I just need to have the kids’ school work on the dining room table). At the end of the day, we’re ALL different, and operate in our way. Room Reset strives to make whatever that way is, work!

toy organization

School's Out for Summer...Almost

Here in Charlotte, our school year doesn’t end until the first week in June, but now’s the time to get yourself together so you’re not scrambling that last week before summer break.

end of the year

Teachers’ Gifts: Make a list in your Notes app of all the people you want to buy gifts for, and get on it, yes…now!  Amazon and Target gift cards are always a win, and ordering smaller denominations ($5 or $10) in larger quantities is a great idea for inevitable last minute forgotten, but important recipients. If more personal gifts are your thing, find all your kids’ teachers “Favorites” lists that were emailed out at the beginning of the year (or, if you need to, email the Room Mom).

Kids Memory Boxes: If you don’t already have one, create or purchase a plastic file box for each child that stores and organizes important and/or memorable school work. For oversize projects, if they aren’t frame- or portfolio-worthy, snap a picture on your phone as the keepsake, and throw it out. We promise, the bad parenting police won’t come after you!

Summer Schedule: If summer enrichment is your thing, now’s the time to make a trip to Barnes & Noble or Target to stock up on some workbooks while you’ve got ample options. And aim to post a daily schedule now to keep the kids occupied. You can always change it on the fly, but having a default agenda for days when everyone’s home will make expectations, across the board, clear! Finally, make sure you familiarize yourself with your home’s internet connectivity, because it’s never a bad idea to hold the WiFi password as ransom for proof of morning productivity!